Personal-type Of Thought(s)

A Rant – CF Boston Brian Style

This is going to be a piggy back on my comment I made on Xena’s post regarding the funeral of Michal Brown…

You know.. seeing all of this senseless killing by those that we call to protect ALL citizens, not just WHITE or BLACK, but ALL make me feel very embarrassed to have been in the military.

The military – something that holds a beacon of freedom and unity, but it’s not so.  We actually live in a fa-sad.  We import a lot of things from countries we don’t know anything about, such as the water may be malaria-filled, or what type of pesticides used on things we eat.  Let’s not forget, things may not affect them, but will affect us.  I remember when I was stationed in Korea and they told us (military) not to drink their water, yet the Koreans drink it.  Just because a person jump off a building and live, does not mean everyone should do the same.

Our national anthem talks about land of the free and God Bless America, yet are we deserving to be free or blessed?  We have had the Civil War, and we are still living the Civil War.  How?  We are not using northern states versus southern states, yet it is more of white versus black, versus bi-racial.  America, a country that want to define me as being black instead of interracial.  America, a country that want to define President Obama as being black instead of being interracial (his mother is German).

I hate, and I mean HATE conceal carry.  According to the Constitution, we all have the right to bear arms, but as it was used by in the days it was created, it was to protect the HOME, not to venture outside the home and shot others.  Yes, we have gang violence, and we have robberies.  We also know the area(s) of these said gang violence and other malicious crimes.  As my mother had always told me, if you don’t go in the areas that are bad, why would you need a gun?  It seems like people are getting shot for no reason, especially in the back, where there is NOT a threat.  It all comes to JUDGMENT!

Matthew 12:36,37 – “But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment.  For by they words thous shalt be justified, and by they words thou shalt be condemned.”  Jesus Christ said this, not CF Boston Brian.

Romans 14:10 – But why dost thou judge thy brother? or why dost thou set a nought (badness) thy brother? for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.  Who?  ALL of us, and our bodies holds our spirits and as others see us, we are black, white, Asian, etc… but our spirits is NOT a race.  When we need blood, it is not characterized as black o+ or white ab Negative.  It is what it is.. blood.

Why do we all do what we do?  I believe it is race driven.  Why?  Would you allow your daughter or son date and bring home a person that is of a different race AND not wonder if they are going to steel something?  We are taught as kids, and by music, about race and judgments that are passed down from our families of how people are of that race.  When America can talk about race and talk about it daily, maybe we can all see each other through our own eyes.

I hold true to two quotes that I love to use very much…
– “And you wonder why we don’t like you” – Chronicles of Narnia
– “Are we Americans when the mood suits you?” – Tuskegee Airmen

CF Boston Brian
